It's been almost a year since Emily started walking. Where has the time gone? Now she's RUNNING around the house and yard.....and getting into EVERYTHING! But, we'll take it!
Now, as far as talking goes.....she is making great strides in that department. As of today, 7/6/12, she has about 25 words. Her medical team is of the opinion that Emily will become more verbal as she gets older, and that is a big deal. Can you imagine if your child couldn't tell you they were hungry or thirsty? Or worse, sick or hurt. Sadly, that's the case for many of Emmi's "brothers and sisters" and it's heartbreaking. To help these kids "find a voice" we have given away iPads thru our Reaching Out and Giving a Voice Giveaway. Families who sell 50 specially made bracelets can get an iPad for their child, as well as a portion of the proceeds are donated for research purposes. As of today, we have given away 4 iPads. This giveaway will run thru the end of the year. To find out how you can help, email us at [email protected]. Help one of Emmi's brothers and sisters find their voice.